Contact: Cynthia Cuffie                                                                                                                                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel: 908-234-9731


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Raquel Smith, a senior in the College of Human Ecology, has been selected as the recipient of the 2012-13 Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA) Outstanding Student Leadership Award. This award is given to a senior of African descent for his/her outstanding leadership and efforts to enhance the lives of students and the community-at-large while attending Cornell University.  The award is granted based on the following: (1) academic achievement; (2) leadership on campus or in community organizations;  (3) contribution to improving relationships among Cornell students, faculty, administrative staff and/or the greater Ithaca community; and (4) commitment to uplifting people of African descent including future plans for contributing to CBAA, Cornell University, and the greater community. This award was presented to Raquel at Black Students United’s 7th annual “It’s a Black Affair,” hosted on May 4th, 2013 at the Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room.

Raquel, a native of Brooklyn, NY, has participated in numerous community service activities during her four years as an undergraduate student at Cornell. She has held leadership positions in organizations such as the Black Women Support Network, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated—Mu Gamma Chapter, the African Latino Asian Native American Students Programming Board (ALANA) and Phenomenon Step Team. She has also served as a mentor in the College Discovery Program, which provides mentoring and academic support to local children of Ithaca. Furthermore, she is a coach for the Cornell Public Service Center’s chapter of the Public Achievement Program, an international organization that focuses on facilitating conditions under which youth can realize their potential as agents of change in their communities.

Raquel will attend Columbia Law School in the fall and plans to do policy work and criminal justice reform in the future. She says, “I am honored to receive this award as it motivates me to continue working as a leader in the community after graduation. I am looking forward to my future with the Cornell Black Alumni Association.” CBAA is proud to honor Raquel.

Founded in 1976, the Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA) was conceived as an organization devoted to providing a communication network for Black alumni. Over the years, CBAA’s mission and scope of activities has expanded, resulting in myriad programs that have a direct and significant impact on alumni and future Cornell students.

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If you’d like more information about this topic, please contact Cynthia Cuffie at 908-234-9731 or email Cynthia at To learn more about CBAA, please visit

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