Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA)

2014-2015 Outstanding Student Leadership Award
The 2014-2015 Cornell Black Alumni Association Outstanding Student Leadership Award recognizes a current undergraduate senior (Class of 2015) of African descent for his/her outstanding leadership and efforts to enhance the lives of students and the community-at-large while attending Cornell University.  The purpose of the award is to recognize past accomplishments and encourage ongoing development of leadership skills and social consciousness activities.


Eligible candidates must submit an application by APRIL 15, 2015.  A complete application consists of a completed online application, Cornell transcript (unofficial Cornell electronic report/official), and two (2) 250-word essays. A confirmation email will be sent upon receipt. Please visit this link to access the application.


The selected candidate will receive a $500 award which he/she may use to transition into the business community, continue his/her academic study, or use at his/her discretion.  The winner will be notified in May 2015 and acknowledged on the CBAA website and other social media.

The award will be granted based on the items listed below.

  • The candidate’s extracurricular and community involvement during his/her time at Cornell with emphasis on demonstration of the following: (1) Leadership on campus or in community organizations; (2) Contribution to improving relationships among Cornell students, faculty, administrative staff and/or the greater Ithaca community; and (3) Commitment to uplifting people of African descent.
  • Quality of essay that describes the candidate’s relevant past activities.
  • Quality of essay that describes the candidate’s future plans for contributing to CBAA, Cornell University, and the greater community.

Click this link to apply today!


Outstanding Student Leadership Award Selection Committee

Cynthia Cuffie, MD ’74, CBAA Vice President for Student Relations, 2012-2015 will chair the committee that will consist of selected CBAA members.

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