College, Major & Graduation Year

College of Arts & Sciences, Chemistry, Class of 2001

What was your Cornell experience like when you attended?

Overall, I had a great experience; it provided a great foundation for my medical school education, while fostering many lifelong friendships and networks.

What have you done post-Cornell?

I attended medical school at Weill Cornell Medical College 2002-2006, I also attended Emergency Medicine residency at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, NJ 2006-2009. I relocated to metro Atlanta area in 2009 working for Emcare, an emergency medicine private practice group.  I have worked at Emory Adventist Hospital in Smyrna, GA for the past 4 years, serving as ED Medical Director 3 out of 4 years.  Currently, I am the ED Medical Director at Newton Medical Center in Covington, GA.

What advice would give to current students and as it relates to your particular field of interest?

Hard work and determination is key, in addition to perseverance despite what obstacles may come.

Why do you think it is important to stay connected as alumni?

Cornell alumni have a wealth of knowledge, information and experiences that are valuable to others with similar fields of interest.


Congratulations to Tameka on her recent award!

Dr. Tameka  Walker-Blake was selected as the 2014 Site Medical Director for Emergency Medicine. Dr. Blake is the Site Medical Director at Emory Adventist Hospital of Smyrna. Read the article for more information on this award.


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