October 24, 2013 @ 11:00 pm – 2:00 am
Busboys And Poets
5331 Baltimore Avenue
Hyattsville, MD 20781
Chimene Liburd

CBAA invites you to support fellow alumni with our newly developed literary grant. The grant was developed to support CBAA alumni in their goals of publishing a book. The initial cost of publishing a book can be a hindrance to an author. CBAA’s intent is to remove that hindrance our alumni encounter by providing financial support with this grant. Fundraising for the grant will come from our own alumni and CBAA’s efforts.

The Literary Grant will be awarded, by CBAA, to a dues paying CBAA member. The member will be the author of a first novel-in-progress, in 2014. Novellas and collections of closely linked short stories may also be considered for the competition.
The award is intended:
-To stimulate creative writing among CBAA members.
-To support first time CBAA authors as they embark on publishing a novel.
-To showcase the talents of CBAA members.
-To provide an opportunity for first time CBAA authors to network with published Cornell Alumni.

Eligibility: The competition is open to dues paying members of CBAA who have not previously published a novel. Officers of CBAA are not eligible for the award. Guidelines for submission will be posted November 1, 2013.

Please consider donating to the literary grant to support our alumni fulfill their dreams. Our first fundraising event will be held October 24, 2013 in Hyattsville, Maryland at Busboys and Poets. We invite all published, dues paying CBAA members to participate in this event by showcasing your books.

Donations accepted here.

We appreciate your support on this initiative and look forward to seeing you at the event!

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