February 16, 2015 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Join the Cornell Black Alumni Association as we discuss the various incidents of police brutality that have been afflicting our communities around the country and strategizing on how to promote effective change.

The presenter, Djibril Toure, is a member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and co-coordinator of the Peoples Self Defense Campaign, which seeks to address issues of police misconduct/abuse in central Brooklyn. Djibril became active around this issue after directly experiencing and witnessing NYPD’s selective Stop & Frisk policy firsthand. His work has included conducting know your rights workshops/activities for the larger NYC community as well as organizing Copwatch, which is a volunteer based program aimed at observing & reducing illegal stop & frisk activity. In addition, MXGM has provided individual assistance in filing complaints/lawsuits and offered legal clinics to the community at large. As a member of Communities United for Police Reform, MXGM has helped to co-coordinate a working group to develop community leadership. Djibril was also one of the plaintiff’s in the Daniels v the City of New York the lawsuit that proceeded Floyd v. the City of New York which addressed the NYPD’s use of stop-and-frisk and racial profiling.

Register at https://secure.www.alumniconnections.com/olc/pub/CEL/event/showEventForm.jsp?form_id=186930

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